Refund & Cancellation Policy
Refund Policy:
Application fee is fully refundable provided the student requests cancellation within 5 days of signing enrollment agreement. After 5 days the school will retain the full application fee of $50.00. Any applicant rejected by the school is entitled to a refund of monies paid.
1. For a student withdrawing from the program in the first 7 calendar days of the term, the money refunded by the school shall be 75% of the program tuition paid.
2. For a student withdrawing from the program after the first 7 calendar days of the term, but within the first 25% of the term, the money refunded by the school shall be 55% of the program tuition paid.
3. For a student withdrawing from the program after 25% but within 50% of the term the money refunded by the school shall be at least 30% of the program tuition paid.
4. For a student withdrawing from the program after 50% of the term, the student is entitled to no refund. The school is not obligated to provide a refund for the term.
5. Tangible items NOT available for refund are: Opened textbooks. This totals $329.00.